SUNDAY, JULY 7, 2019


07.07.2019  |  0 Comments
World's largest Buffalo Statue at the National Buffalo Museum in North Dakota

DAY 8 started a little later, but that was no problem at all. After a decent night sleep, we had a short drive to the National Buffalo Museum. That was a very educational and enjoyable visit. I won’t put much about what I learned here, but I will say there is an interesting history to the life of the American Buffalo (really Bison). It was a great experience as they had many ways to take in information; video, posters, interactive (tactile) exhibits, artwork, replicas and of course the real thing!

After spending a few hours at the museum, we headed to the North Dakota State Capitol for a tour (got lucky enough to have a private one). This activity might not sound that glamorous to many of you (it didn’t for me until my mom wanted me to stop at some on a past road trip), but it really was incredible in so many ways. You can read the site or Wikipedia for the factual information; I am going to give you the DAT perspective.

The architectural design not only had the beauty as a focal point, but the acoustics were also considered. In the great hallway where people met outside of sessions the echo was immense. To be able to have more intimate conversations, there are little “roofs” over sitting areas along each side to keep voices from carrying. In the Senate and the House, the ceiling design helps to direct sound. And in one more chamber (Judicial area) the walls were covered in velvet like material to dampen echo and the ceiling constructed as to pick up sound from the central location. Whoever was at the podium really wouldn’t need the microphone. It is definitely a place to experience first-hand.

After leaving the beautiful grounds of the Capitol, we moved on to head to our campsite. Since it was past our destination, we ended up checking out the Painted Canyon in Theodore Roosevelt National Park. The views were quite different then the prairie we had spent so much time driving through. After a few pictures we took off an made it to our campsite. Dinner was started and a magnificent lighting storm way in the distance provided our entertainment. As we were cleaning up we ended up having company. Eli (moving back to Seattle) and Elijah (from NYC) added to the entertainment us by playing us some original music they were working on. Eli from NY has a band called The Living Strange . . . the will be playing two venues in CT sometime in October.