TUESDAY, JULY 23, 2019

DAY 24

07.23.2019  |  0 Comments
Lassen Volcanic National Park entrance sign

DAY 24 again did not disappoint. We weren’t but about 30 minutes from Lassen Volcanic National Park. I hadn’t expected to stay so long at the park, but there was a lot more to it than it sounds. On our hike around the lake we not only took some picturesque photos, we met some nice Californians that lived not TOO far from the park. I heard one of the young ones needed a Band-Aid and I offered up one (when we got back to the parking area – as it was in the car).

While it wasn’t necessary, Chris asked if I wanted some organic nectarines that she had brought from her orchard. Although I am somewhat allergic to pitted fruit, I couldn’t resist. We stopped by their campsite and chatted a bit. Turns out she is a retired teacher so we talked a bit; making her burn some of the lunch she was preparing. After causing the damage, we walked away with an organic tomato and cucumber as well. I hope they end up checking out this post so that they know to send me an email.

The photos were plentiful. We ended up spending close to 8 hours there, and we could have spent more. I think this park had the coldest water thus far. The ice in the lake I was in pretty much assures that. Oh, we also Parkcached while there and earned ourselves some carabineers. Just in the nick of time, as the visitor center was closing in 10 minutes. We left the park and headed for Battery Spencer overlooking the Golden Gate Bridge.

We got some nice night photos then headed to a parking area to catch some Z’s for the night. The sign said you start paying for parking at 7 AM, so we planned to get up by 6:45. Let’s see if we don’t oversleep!