DAY 33

08.01.2019  |  0 Comments

DAY 33 marked the end of the 2019 conference and did so on a good note. There wasn’t anything scheduled in the morning that I HAD to attend, so it afforded me guiltless time to pack up my things and check out a little later in the morning, meaning I didn’t have to be up at 6 AM thankfully.

I got everything squared away and was at the conference slightly after 11 AM missing the first part of ‘First Man’: Redefining In-Camera FX. It was amazing, I am sorry I missed the first 20 minutes or so. After that I was shocked to discover that a former NVCC student was at the conference. We connected briefly and I am happy to know that Matt is in an industry that he set out to be in. On top of that his work involves imparting knowledge onto up and coming creators, so there will be further talks in the near future.

After that it was time for me to catch the last two big presentations of the week: ‘Alita-Battle Angel’: The Art of Being Human and Swing into Another Dimension: The Making of ‘Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse’. Both were a wealth of knowledge on top of the WOW factor. I will definitely be introducing some of the techniques/processes in the classes I teach and share with colleagues just how much our different programs are intertwined.

Since I wasn’t planning on getting too far for the night and it was on our way to our next destination, I filled my “need” for more vegan doughnuts at the VooDoo they have at Universal City Walk. I overindulged, but I won’t be getting them again for a while. We walked around a short while then headed to our rest area to catch some Z’s. Back to nature tomorrow!