DAY 42

08.10.2019  |  0 Comments
Black Canyon of the Gunnison National Park entrance sign

DAY 42 found us refreshed and ready to head out to Rocky Mountain National Park. I have to say this park was breathtaking, literally and figuratively. The views from 12,000 feet, the highest we’d been on the entire trip, cannot be adequately described in words and the pictures in the gallery pale in comparison.

We climbed from the visitor center about one half mile to the upper most point of that side of the park. That is where my breath was literally taken away. The sign says that above 12,000 feet you are only getting 2/3 the oxygen compared to sea level. We enjoyed the views and then returned for a drive on the original road through the park. That was a fun ride full of switchbacks and potholes. Heading out of the park we got to view a bunch of elk resting in a field.

We stopped in Denver so I could take advantage of my last opportunity to have some vegan doughnuts. There are two Voodoo Doughnuts in Denver, I only went to one. That will be my fix for the next 6 months at least. After all the errands were complete, we headed to Nebraska for our nightly stop.