FEBRUARY 25, 2020

TX, part 1

02.25.2020  |  0 Comments
Blue sky and the bright sun blocked by cotton-like clouds.

After a very good night sleep, I took my time getting going and actually made myself some breakfast. After frying up some eggs and making myself an egg and cheese sandwich, I put all the stuff away and set my 12-volt water heater up so I could make some coffee by my next stop. It had other plans. An hour later, it was as cool as when I put it in there. I'll have to investigate what went wrong. So I went without coffee.

I had no solid plans for Houston, but I did know I wanted a picture of the skyline. And I had found a nice place to take it from. I got off the interstate and followed Memorial Park Drive to a place perfect for what I wanted. There was plenty of nature to see in this beautiful area. Lots of lizards, more plentiful than Florida! I took about an hour walk and some photos. And then I got back in the car.

I was tired of being on the interstate, so thankfully the route took a turn onto a state highway. That didn't stop the speed limit from being 75 miles per hour. I was lucky to keep it steady at 65. Some people might say I'm getting old and they're right, but that's not what the issue is. If you want to see anything, you have got to slow down. I'm sure if I was from around here 75 would be too slow.

If you've looked at Instagram or Facebook, you may have spotted me. I don't think I look homeless or tattered, but I keep managing to get free stuff. Today, fully intending to pay for a cup of coffee since I didn't get it this morning, the cashier at the Pilot I'm staying at for the evening gave me it on the house. Maybe she appreciated the fact that I brought in my own travel mug. Who knows, all I know is I will try to pay it forward any time I can.

Last night I got a good dent into implementing some of the changes for DAT 101 based on the meetings that I've had. Tonight I will continue on that. The batteries are getting sucked up faster than I would like, so I'm doing it the old-fashioned way -- with pen and paper. A benefit of this will be that I will look at it again when I finally get to type it into the computer. I guess its guaranteed proofreading. Best get at it!