MARCH 01, 2020

New Mexico

03.01.2020  |  0 Comments
Road leading down the mountain in New Mexico.

After talking to the women at the New Mexico Welcome Center I was armed with information to carry me through the day. I did put on way more miles than I had anticipated, but such is life. The journey was more than I could have hoped for. After doing some computer work while at the welcome center and enjoying a cup of coffee provided by a towing company in the area, I headed out grabbing a state highway instead of the interstate, as was recommended to me.

Highway 104 was perfect for me. The speed limit 55 or 60 the entire 109 miles. I saw, if I am lucky, about two dozen cars during that entire stretch. That works out to about one vehicle every four miles or so. The views were breathtaking and photo opportunities were more plentiful than on the interstate. I still had to be careful, as there were not always good places to pull off to the side of the road. The terrain changed frequently over the miles. Check out the gallery to see what I mean.

I hit Santa Fe close to 3 PM in the afternoon. Since it was Sunday, the New Mexico Capitol wasn’t opened, but I took the opportunity to get a few photos while I was there. I didn’t take any of the town, which I somewhat regret now, but I will be back at some point so I won’t be too hard on myself. Near the capitol the houses were in the true New Mexico style one sees in movies.

When I was at the welcome center one of the women told me the rest area I planned on staying at was closed at night. I had to find another spot. I found one only 25 miles past where I had planned to stop. The Joe Skeen Campground was perfect for me. I tried my hand at some night photography, but upon review on the laptop I didn’t do so hot. That is why I am practicing. So I will check out the El Malpais National Conservation Area in the morning and head out on my way early afternoon.