MAY 28, 2020

Check-in 25

05.28.2020  |  0 Comments
Screengrab of the Excel document comparing old and proposed courses.

Today got a little turned around. Things weren't falling in place as they should (not directly related to me, but a task I had taken out to help a family member). Other things came up, nothing too serious but time sensitive, so that forced me to request pushing my rescheduled meeting a half hour to an hour later in the day. Thankfully this was not an issue on the other person's schedule. Once settled in for the day, things were very productive.

  • Read and Responded to a few emails
  • Spent 1.25 hours explaining my needs, asking and answering questions, and getting much of the info needed to present the program changes to CEAC in the fall - thanks to a patient CEAC chair
  • Began to flesh out a spreadsheet with the side-by-side comparison of course titles/pre-reqs/descriptions/outcomes of the current courses and proposed ones