JUNE 04, 2020

Check-in 28

06.04.2020  |  0 Comments
Valley Falls trail map with hike route highlighted.

Today started with coffee, like any other day. I decided a few days ago that it is time for an "exercise" routine. I got together with friend and went for roughly a 4 mile hike/walk. It was great. After that, I help "fix" his driver's window (which was stuck down). Let's hope it holds as I am not a mechanic.

After I ate lunch I realized what day of the month it was and had to make sure I paid all my bills. I got that out of the way after a decent clip of time then had to mow the lawn. Closing in on 8:15 PM, I finally finished and was able to get to work. So needless to say, I didn't get much done.

  • Read and Responded to a few emails
  • Got distracted organizing personal inboxes
  • Finished organizing new TO DO list