MONDAY, JULY 8, 2019


07.08.2019  |  0 Comments
Another sunrise near Theodore Roosevelt National Park

DAY 9 began with a wonderful sunrise and an easy breakfast on the camp stove. After saying goodbye to our new friends we headed to the South Unit of Theodore Roosevelt National Park. We watched the film and look around the visitor center a bit before heading through the park. There were prairie dogs aplenty but buffalo (bison) were scarce. The views, so varied every few miles, did not disappoint. We were able to capture photos of a few bison. Unfortunately 4 miles of the loop were closed due to unstable roads, so we had to go out and back, adding about 20 miles to our tour. It allowed us time to really see the park.

we left TRNP, we traveled back east a bit to catch the Enchanted Highway, a 32-mile stretch of road that has larger than life metal sculptures as roadside stops. It was well worth the back-track as you will see on one of the photos I included in the gallery.

Unfortunately we were too late to catch the Petrified Wood Park and Museum open, but we were able to walk the grounds. After a brief stretch we were back on the road heading to our camping spot, the Kadoka Truck Stop. We took some rough roads to get there, but we made it with no issues.