MONDAY, JULY 22, 2019

DAY 23

07.22.2019  |  0 Comments
Path to a big tree in Redwood National Park

DAY 23 met us bright and early so we could get one of the first spots at the Medford, OR Firestone to get the tires rotated and the oil changed. They were very efficient and pleasant, even letting me brew a pot of my own coffee. The quoted price of the oil change was the actual price. Oregon doesn’t put a sales tax on anything, at least as far as I can tell. We were off for the day before 9 AM.

We hit an interesting rest stop in O’Brien, OR where it was conveniently located next to a Post Office. The Post Master was very nice warning us of the curvy roads ahead along with letting us know we were in for a beautiful drive. It took me many days to find a convenient place to buy a stamp to send the postcard to my mom (I bought it in Minnesota). With that errand complete, we headed into California.

We made it to Crescent City, CA planning to visit the Battery Point Lighthouse. We missed the museum and tour by about a half hour because the hours that they run are based on the tide. We toured on our own (outside the lighthouse of course) and about an hour later set off on our drive down the coast through Redwood National Park. We checked out the Big Tree on the Newton B. Drury Scenic Parkway. I have to say it was pretty big. Check out the pictures on the gallery page for that and more.

Taking our time through the forest we stopped frequently to enjoy the sites and take small hikes. We made it to perhaps the best rest area thus far. We were the ONLY people there the entire night. The sound of a brook flowing lulled us to sleep. It was great!