JUNE 03, 2020

Check-in 27

06.03.2020  |  0 Comments
Welcome to Cape Cod 2020 sign.

So I took a few days off to take care of myself and connect with my parents up in Cape Cod. For people in their late 70s/early 80s, they are a force to be reckoned with. One thing they aren't too fond of these days is getting up on ladders. I prefer they don't anyway. So I went to help them with that kind of upkeep. I got a lot accomplished there . . . gutter cleaning, roof cleaning and minor repairs, ceiling washing and staining, electronics configuration. I played a few games; losing more than I won. Since I took a couple of days, I also was able to get some bike riding in, totalling close to 50 miles in three days.

I had spent a couple hours Saturday updating the progress I have made on the program redesign. Never again will I let my reporting go more than a day. I had to research a lot to see what I accomplished each day. Thankfully I had been distracted with so many things that I hadn't done as much as I had been the past few weeks. I warn students to stay on top of things, now I have definitive proof that it is necessary. It was brutal trying to recount accurately the completed tasks. It takes moments to jot bulleted lists items down at the end of the day; much more palatable so lesson learned! (Even though this paragraph is second, I typed it up after I finished updating all the blogs.)

  • Read and Responded to a few emails
  • Organized inbox
  • Downloaded and skimmed 35+ syllabi received from ECS
  • Began organizing new TO DO list