DAY 28

07.27.2019  |  0 Comments
Hoonigan Store front in Los Angelos California

DAY 28 did not greet us as nice as the previous ones. Sleep was not very restful so it was a very early morning. We headed off to Whole Foods to get some groceries and use the restroom but those plans were foiled due to an inaccurate opening time listed online and on top of an electric outage prevented it from opening at the time listed on the door. Even worse was the discovery of an infestation of small brown ants. I don’t know if they got there from the parking spot of the night or they were hitchhiking from a few days before. It’s a mystery and a headache we need to deal with.

Since we were in LA way before our check-in time, we stopped at the Santa Monica Pier and decided to check out a shop in Long Beach that is pretty famous among car enthusiasts. With the crazy amount of traffic we made it there, checked out Hoonigan and the beach, grabbed some food and headed to the hotel. We arrived at the exact check in time. It took a while to unload. We cleaned up, grabbed the bikes and headed to the Convention Center to get our badges from Siggraph 2019. After that was set we headed to the store for a few groceries and something to battle the ants.

A lot needed to be taken care of before sleep could be considered. Hopefully the rest will be enough to give me energy to get through the first day of the conference. More to come . . .