MAY 01, 2020

Check-in 06

05.01.2020  |  0 Comments
Manipulated image version of my LinkIn page.

I went down the rabbit hole after checking into my LinkedIn account. I noticed a few former students who I had not connected with in the past and added them to my list. I heard back from a few. This is a great way to find out what students are up to post NVCC. I really enjoy connecting with them, but even just getting a peak at what they are doing is rewarding.

While stumbling around the app, I looked into connections I had made in the past. I took the initiative to either send out a message or an email. I am amazed at where these former students are today and look forward to having anecdotal data to support the great things the DAT program has to offer. Also adding, if they are willing, info from what they let me know the program did well and what the program could have offered to make it better.

  • Read, Organized, and Responded to emails
  • Phone Meeting Colleague regarding GenEd
  • Made contact with former DAT students