MONDAY, JULY 29, 2019

DAY 30

07.29.2019  |  0 Comments

DAY 30 came early but I seemed to get enough rest so I could make it through the extra-long and exciting day. The Keynote speaker was Victoria Alonso, Executive Vice President of Physical Production for Marvel Studios. She had some great info regarding Avengers, being a woman in the industry, and also some great advice about being successful!

Besides the daily activities, this day marked the Computer Animation Festival, the reception, and the Chapter parties. They have a traveling Computer Animation Festival and I was able to find out more about it during the reception. It is a cool event that showcases student and professional work that earns awards. I would love NVCC to be able to experience it; it is on my list of something to explore for this fall.

It was close to midnight and time to go get the bikes and head back to the hotel. When I got there, they weren’t. I tried to connect with security but they weren’t really accessible, hoping they take bikes into the convention center when left after hours. I decided to walk back to the hotel and deal with it in the morning. Pretty upset, to say the least, I forced myself to get a decent night’s sleep. It helped to reflect on the great events of the day. We’ll figure out things tomorrow.

Side note: It appears the ants have abandoned ship. Will check again, and vacuum tomorrow.