JULY 11, 2020

Check-in 34

07.11.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab of the DAT dot setmore booking page.

This week I had TEAMs meetings Monday and Wednesday, which allowed me to complete the rough draft of the course redesign. I hope to revise all 18 courses outcomes next week to closer to a final draft. I have decided I am going to pilot an additional course, so in reality I haven't finished the rough draft, but I think I might save that for the spring or following fall semester. It will be mentioned in the proposal, but the timing is off right now.

The strange times have affected so many areas of the college, so when I state this is should not be construed as complaining. Unfortunately the budget has been delayed so the plans for having the DAT EA start on July 1,2020 to handle advising so I could concentrate on sabbatical and other things has fallen through. I won't leave the students hanging, so I have decided to open 16 half hour advising (office hour) slots up beginning next week. I don't believe I will fill them all, but I want current and prospective students to have the option. I have also decided to make appointments in setmore to keep track of responding to student email request (advising and general information). After doing this a few times already this summer, I realized with research (opening multiple screens to get relevant information) I am easily spending 30 minutes per request. As you can see from my blogs, even when I try to be general it seems to get very detailed. I am very confident that the redesign will alleviate a lot of the minutiae that is involved with the current configuration.

  • Read, Responded to, and initiated emails
  • Number of emails opened from blast email for DAT advisees went up to 15%, still not great
  • Sent a follow up email blast
  • Attended remaining meetings covering courses to redesign
  • Explored options for working in HyFlex
  • Completed rough draft of 100% program redesign outcomes and course descriptions
  • Revised my advising appointments through dat.setmore.com so the start on July 13
  • Worked more on the video(s); need to get a microphone from school or our audio instructor
  • Worked with photography instructor to help unify the course's rubrics for all sections
  • Analyzed job outlook information compiled by one of the DAT student workers (great job!)