TUESDAY, JULY 30, 2019

DAY 31

07.30.2019  |  0 Comments

DAY 31 had me awake early so I could take care of this bicycle situation. I took my normal route through the parking garage where I bumped into a security guard. I explained the situation and he said unfortunately it was stolen and the best course of action is to file a police report. I didn’t want to miss a few of the events, so I headed into the LACC to get to the first one of the day. On the way in I realized I didn’t ask where I would have to go to file the report, so I asked the guard at the door. Hector was so helpful. He took information and brought it to his supervisor. A bit later the supervisor John came to us and got more information and provided us with the address and phone number of the police station. They even tried to find out if they had footage of the bikes going missing. Unfortunately the bike racks were in a blind spot so they weren’t able to see anything.

I went to the Exhibition Floor and checked out some new technologies and other points of interest. Since the next event I really wanted to attend wasn’t until after 3 PM, I decided to take the mile and a half walk to the police station. That was a sketchy situation. It is burned into my mind, so I will describe that another time.

I had wanted to be back for around 2 PM, as there was another event I would have like to catch. Due to timing, I wasn’t going to make it so I decided to walk ¾ of a mile to a place called the Blue Cow for lunch. It was great and really quick for a sit down place. I made it back for the 3:45 PM event on Lighting (for Toy Story 4). After that it was Real Time Live! There were 10 presenters that share new tech in real time. It was extremely entertaining and the new tech very exciting.

I was back at the hotel by 8:30 PM so I was able have some dinner and check on the ant situation. It truly seems they are gone. I grabbed the car vacuum and started to clean up the dirty carpets and attempted to get rid of the corn starch. That makes us one step closer to being ready for the return trip home.

Sleep was a challenge as the people in the room above us were really rude. I don’t know why the children were up running around at 11 PM and still at 12 AM, but it was getting ridiculous. I called the front desk and asked him to check on it. After that, it got worse for another ½ hour and we complained again. At that point they finally chilled out. Tomorrow is going to come really early.