DAY 35

08.03.2019  |  0 Comments
Yosemite Falls at Yosemite National Park

DAY 35 we managed to get a relatively early start after a decent night’s sleep. We were off to Yosemite National Park. I knew going in it would be a “zoo” so I didn’t have any expectations for a hike of any sort. This park would be a driving tour. I really wasn’t wrong. We managed to enjoy the loop around the park in very slow moving traffic.

After the loop we began heading to our next destination (for tomorrow) via the Tioga Pass which is only open late May through early October. This was a beautiful drive. We got out at Lake Ellery to get some fresh water, which seemed colder than any of the previous ones; although I am sure it was just because it was much warmer here.

We were ahead of schedule so we took our time getting to our evening resting spot. A little too much time as it got dark just as we found it! It really didn’t appear to be that great of an option, so we decided to backtrack to a place we saw earlier and were able to feel comfortable there. It was a good thing we did as the night photography here was spectacular!