MAY 06, 2020

Check-in 09

05.06.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab image of Google calendar for May 2020.

After such a long day yesterday, I took it a bit easier today. I still accomplished a lot, but I took a big break in the middle of the day to get some yardwork/exercise in. It also let me reflect on things. I know what I have to do, but I think I need to take some time to really flesh out a schedule to work from. Not HAVING to go to a physical workplace has me falling into some bad habits and kept me from following a routine. I have somewhat a routine, but I get distracted and head off into another direction. I think I need to put my money where my mouth is and develop a production schedule like I require of my DAT 290 students. I know I shouldn't take shortcuts, so I have to devote the time now so I can work more effeciently later. That is the task I challenge myself to complete tomorrow. As for today, a few very important things were accomplished.

  • Read, Organized, and Responded to too many emails
  • Followed up/submitted paperwork on time sensitive material
  • Phone Meeting with Media Chair at WCSU
  • Phone Meeting/Interview with former grad (Graphic Design/Animation)
  • Set up meeting with LABSS Dean