JANUARY 28, 2020

2nd Stop, MD . . .

01.28.2020  |  0 Comments
Gravel Road taken just after entering Virginia.

What a great day! I got moving nice and early and arrived at Morgan State University in Maryland an hour before my meeting with Dr. Kopano. With plenty to keep me occupied, I was prepared to wait the hour to connect with him. I followed the directions and called Ms. Johnson so I could be let into the building. To my surprise, our meeting started shortly after I arrived. Carl Hyden, the Associate Dean of Administration, joined in as well.

While I was hopeful of a fruitful exchange, my expectations were blown away. Explaining the progression of their curriculum helps immensely. With a little discussion, I found that with minor tweaks to what we already do in the DAT program, students that are looking to pursue this type of degree will do wonderful and be able to do so in two years. One of the communication courses required of sophomores piqued my interest and I hope to be able to offer a course just like it.

After our meeting, they had Travis, the DAT equivalent of Vismel (Jack of all trades), show me around their facility. Those of you that have heard of my plans for growing the program and my vision of what it should be mirrors what I saw today. Upon returning to Dr. Kopano's office I found him busy helping one of his students. A man of my own heart. He had Ms. Johnson get me the promised information and she walked me to my car so I could leave the facility. The way I'm talking it sounds like I was in a dangerous neighborhood, but that is far from it; I felt very safe. I think because it's in such a metropolitan area, parking is at a premium and if there weren't these safeguards in place, faculty and staff would never make it to work. I felt like I was treated like a king during my time there. The hospitality was very much appreciated.

We had talked about starting an articulation agreement, so I was sent across campus (I needed to drive there mind you) to speak with the transfer counselor. I couldn't find the public parking so I parked in a lot that I was nervous about getting ticketed in. I went inside the building and evidently LOST was written all over my face because I was asked almost immediately if I needed help. I got updated information on where to park and after being turned around in the building for a while I also got directed to the right place. It's amazing but everyone, yes I said EVERYONE, was so pleasant and willing to help. Even people with heads in their phones looked up to say hello. While I didn't get to meet with anyone to finalize the articulation, Tamera Farrar got me started in the right direction.

Ahead of schedule, I could take my time getting to my next destination. I decided to take the scenic route and also chose to check out an attraction I saw on a highway sign. Unfortunately that didn't work out too well. The GPS had me go the wrong way and once I figured that out I went the opposite direction to see what I missed. Had it been warmer, I probably would have walked the canal, but I wanted to get places while it was still light. I crossed the Potomac River on a back road immediately ending up in Virginia. I meandered to the highway so I would be closer to tomorrow's stop. The farm country was beautiful. I couldn't decide what picture to take so I didn't take any.