FEBRUARY 22, 2020


02.22.2020  |  0 Comments
Arkansas Welcome Center with Granite Sign saying "Arkansas, the Natural State."

As MTSU was the last school I would be visiting for a couple weeks, my focus now is on revising some of the courses in detail and enjoying the beauty of the country. I will also continue looking for opportunities to talk with various industries who would hire DAT graduates. That is a bit more difficult than I had anticipated. I know I will get there though.

Today was a great day as the sun was out and quickly warmed the air. I made my way to Arkansas and stopped in the Welcome Center to get some work done and find out some things about where I was headed. Shakita welcomed me and put my mind at ease about the flooding. She armed me with some good information and let me stay as long as I saw fit. I even got a complimentary cup of coffee that comes from a local source. About two hours later I was on my way.

I was in Little Rock a few hours later. If I was going the speed limit I could have been there in two and a half hours, but I choose to enjoy the journey and tend to average 60 miles per hour. I stick to the right lane and no one seems bothered by my going up to 10 miles under the speed limit at times. It has allowed me to enjoy the sights and helped me with my fuel economy. I also stop to stretch occasionally.

While there, I went to the Little Rock Visitor Center where two gentlemen that manned the desk gave some history of the area and the building as well as directions to the Old State House and the Arkansas State Capitol building. I walked a little ways to grab a photo of a neat looking bridge I saw while driving around the block. The traffic in Little Rock is very reasonable (close to non-existent) on a Saturday. I don't know how it is on a weekday. I am happy I didn't need to find out.

The exhibits in the Old State House and Museum were great. I would have been able to spend the entire day there and might have been able to take in everything. There was a movie theater that played over 40 short films relating to the city and the history of the area. I only took in a few, but I probably would have been able to get through them all as the museum wasn't too crowded and only one couple came in to the theater in the 15 minutes I was there.

I then went to the capitol and took a quick self-guided tour before heading out again. I wanted to be able to get to my night's resting spot before dark. On the way there I saw a lot of cotton fields. I didn't realize it at first until I saw one that had not been harvested. I wanted to take a picture, but I didn't want to stop on the side of the road. I figured there would be more opportunities down the line. Not too many it turns out. It seems most of the cotton has been harvested. I saw one field on the other side of the road, safely pulled a U-turn and got my shot. I did the same thing a ways down for the cotton bales. Along the route there were an abundance of hawks perched in the trees. It was a great drive.

I hope the weather continues to hold out. I have a great spot for the night and it would be nice to be able to take pictures in the morning. Until tomorrow!