MARCH 12, 2020

Four Corners

03.12.2020  |  0 Comments
Cows peaking up from the side of the road.

Well it seems that Nader, Sarah, and I are on a similar schedule. We got up, shared breakfast (each contributing this or that), cleaned up, and then headed up closer to Mexican Hat Rock. It was great having climbing buddies, as some of the rock climbing was a little suspect. Had it not been for them I probably would have missed out on some magnificent views. After I mile or so hike we said our good-byes and carried on our separate ways. I am sure we will connect again after they return home to Quebec.

The rest of the day was dedicated to getting as close to my next destination, skipping seeing the Four Corners Monument that marks where Arizona, Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah meet. As I looked at the map, Hovenweep National Monument was on the route so I decided to stop there first to break up the long distance. Before getting there I passed a lot of free range animals, which of course I needed to stop to photograph. Once there I decided to make a short time of it, only watching the movie then taking the one mile round trip hike to a few of the ruins. I intend to return one day, hopefully not too far in the future.

Upon the advice of the ranger, I made sure to leave with enough time to catch the next visitor center while it was open. I was told the route I chose wouldn’t be too exciting as it was in the tree line and I wouldn’t see much of the canyon. What I saw instead made me extremely happy. Shortly after getting on the road I saw some open range cattle. Then open fields of grass with mountains in the distance. Cattle were speckled along the countryside. It was a great ride.

I will need to go back to the Canyon of the Ancients National Monument Visitor Center, as I only had time to watch the movie and quickly take a look at some of the museum exhibits. I left right about the time it was closing and was told I could stay to take a hike that was near the visitor center. It was a nice vista; peaceful. I believe an off duty museum official named Jim, don’t know why I am uncertain of his name, gave me perfect directions to a free dispersed camping site. High up in the mountains with a near 360 degree view of peaks and valleys made my night. The road in was well packed so I didn’t fear bad traveling should it rain as predicted.