AUGUST 8, 2020

Check-in 36

08.08.2020  |  0 Comments
Screengrab of the course search showing increased enrollment numbers.

The past couple of weeks have been a blur . . . just pushing forward, mostly focusing on getting students enrolled in classes if that works for them and giving them support should they feel taking a semester off is the best option. The power-outages in the area wreaked havoc in most areas of the state, but I was fortunate enough to be spared. That didn't stop me from helping family who were affected. Living in a rural area I am able to understand the challenges many of our students, faculty, and staff have when bad weather hits. No matter how many alternate plans are in place, mother nature can find a way to disrupt them all. Hopefully the move to HyFlex will alleviate stress overall and allow for deeper learning. As if the pandemic wasn't enough, it is predicted we are in for a number of hurricanes this season adding another level of challenges on so many levels.

Some courses are full already, a majority are closing in on filling up, and a few are demonstrating low enrollment. There are still a couple weeks before classes start, so I anticipate that quite a few of them will gain enough momentum to get into the double digits. there are one or two that may not, so it is important I look at who is registered in those classes to offer them alternative choices (that will help earn their degree/certificate) in a format that will lead to successful completion. I have emailed, virtually met, or spoken to well over 50 students in the past month, and more appointments are set to come. This outreach has lead to increased enrollment and, even more importantly, students that will be earning their degree this semester or making steady progress to that end.

  • Read, Responded to, and initiated emails
  • Revised program outcomes
  • Revised certificate outcomes
  • Revising course outcomes
  • Watch course enrollment numbers
  • Meet by phone or "virtually" with advisees
  • Continue to work with HyFlex to be ready to train DAT/GRA staff
  • Working with IT to verify computer updates/settings