JUNE 08, 2020

Check-in 29

06.08.2020  |  0 Comments
Recently baled hay (large rolls) across the street from my home.

Well the exercise routine has been put on hold for this week. We have adopted/rescued two kitties (1.5 years old - photo to come shortly) which are a bit of a handful. More on that lately, but they are my focus this week so their adjustment will be as painless as possible.

Today I had done a lot where I thought that would just use the bullet list to keep track this time. Well, I am thinking the universe doesn't like it when I try to plan. I will keep plugging away at following it, but today was an epic fail. I was on a roll from 10:30ish until 3:15 or so, when I stopped to take care of some computer-based things for my wife (she is NOT computer savvy).

I took a break and then was just getting back to it when I had to stop what I was doing to take her to Urgent Care. She is fine as far as we can see now (no breaks or stitches in her cut pinky), but we still need to watch for possible loss of feeling which would indicate a bigger problem. Very painful for her and I am not one to have great constitution when it comes to looking at gashes on appendages, but we managed. So, three hours later I was able to get back to work after finishing her project that caused the injury.

As soon as I got back to that, the phone calls started coming in and there was another thing that needed my immediate attention. My fault really as I had neglected to take care of the bookkeeping regarding my uncle's care. It was sheer laziness to do the catch up that I attributed to the computer re-install a couple weeks ago. I could have caught up much earlier, but something always took priority. Luckily, my aunt is very on top of things old-school accounting method. We just like to have it digitized for two reasons - a checks and balance system (everyone makes mistakes) as well as ease of end of year tax accounting.

I won't get discouraged and will get back on track by Wednesday.

  • Read and Responded to loads of emails
  • Read an interesting journal article sent from a colleague (will help a lot in program redesign)
  • Checked in with summer teaching faculty