MAY 13, 2020

Check-in 14

05.13.2020  |  0 Comments
Image of Stone Dust Trail map.

Since I worked ahead so much on my list, I dedided to take it a bit easy today. I met up with a friend/former grad and took a long walk (about 3.5 miles). We spent a little time talking about the work I am doing on the program redesign. The sounding board/insight was very helpful and it was great to have a visit. I also did a few errands for family members and myself. It was a beautiful day and I am glad I got to enjoy it.

  • Read, Organized, and Responded to emails
  • Cleaned up the compiled a list of Courses of Interest from the CSU's
  • Seperated the list into a spreadsheet to send to each CSU representative (tomorrow)
  • Created outline for DAT 108
  • Fielded a phone call