JULY 4, 2020

Check-in 33

07.04.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab of the Courses page of the DAT site.

This week I had in person, safe social-distanced meetings Tuesday through Thursday. I am so thankful for the wonderful adjunct faculty that comprise the DAT program. Their interest in what is best for the students, while at NVCC and beyond, is incredible. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to work with. Meeting with me on their summer break just shows the level of dedication they have. I feel very confident in what will be put forward for review this fall.

I am having some trouble focusing on both getting ready for fall and completing the work from sabbatical, but I am steadily moving forward. It was great to take some time with Jas, our volunteer web-master, to get the courses link up onto the site. It is great that I can put my money where my mouth is . . . I teach students the importance of being organized and having files formatted correctly so the person that has to deal with them doesn't have extra work to do. If that was the case, the student wouldn't have that job for long. It is great to get feedback that I did an excellent job providing the content to him. I was willing to do more, but it wasn't necessary. Getting it to look and function exactly how I envision (even better actually) took us less than 30 minutes back and forth via text, and honestly I think both of us were multitasking at that time.

The videos are taking longer than I wanted, but not longer than I expected. They will get there, but I have other priorities at the moment. Next week should have me wrapping up the rough draft of the courses for redesign, then I can move onto the program itself. One day at a time!

  • Read, Responded to, and initiated emails
  • Worked with "web-master" to get courses link (web page) functioning
  • Created content for web page that will be linked in blast email for DAT advisees
  • Attended meetings covering the majority of courses to redesign
  • Met with key player to work out implementing HyFlex course design for all DAT and GRA courses
  • Completed rough draft of 80% program redesign outcomes and course descriptions