DAY 11

07.10.2019  |  0 Comments
Devil's Tower National Monument with a beautiful hayfield in the foreground

DAY 11 started by waking up at a decent hour to find out that the campsite we chose was surrounded by water. Not in a bad way; there was plenty of land between us and the water. We decided to wait to eat a little later, hoping there was an electric outlet we could access to use the rice cooker so we could make oatmeal. We got to the Tri-State Museum, home of the Geographical Center of the Nation (which includes Alaska and Hawaii), before it opened and luckily found an outlet. After we finished eating, we took a look around. I posted a photo of the marker on social media, but the gallery has a better image.

When we left there, we headed to Devils Tower National Monument. I have been there before, but hoped to do a bit more hiking. The line to enter the park took about 15 minutes, then another 30 minutes to drive to the top and struggle to find parking. The walk was good and we got to witness about a dozen and a half climbers attempting to make it to the top. We had other things on our list to do, so we didn’t get to see anyone succeed.

After that we headed to the Rockpile Museum, and made it there about 30 minutes before it closed. I didn’t expect much from it, but boy was I wrong. I sped through it and learned very little besides that fact that I will need to return in the future. I am not really a museum person, but this had so much variety on life in Wyoming (hunting, ranching, sheep herding, fashion, etc.) and interactive exhibits that I think I could spend a few hours here. A few pictures later, we were off to our next adventure . . . an oil change!

I was able to connect to the Wi-Fi there and upload another post. We took care of a few necessities while in an urban area to prepare for the days ahead when we wouldn’t have access to nearly as many luxuries and the lower prices. We set off to find our campsite. Again we arrived in the dark, so I’ll let you know how we did in the next post.