SUNDAY, JULY 28, 2019

DAY 29

07.28.2019  |  0 Comments

DAY 29 met me much better rested than the night before, but I think I could have used a little more sleep. It didn’t seem to affect my ability to make it to through the entire day. We got ready to go, grabbed the bikes and headed the mile to the LACC. My main focus of the day was checking out many of the presentations that were part of the ACM SIGGRAPH Diversity and Inclusion Summit.

The three that caught my attention most were the Panels titled Rendering Gender: Identity, Representation, and Sexuality in 3D Design, Interactive Media, and Animation; Inclusion of Diverse Talent with Outstanding Abilities; and Diversity, Collaboration, and Building Toward an Inclusive Organization. I also connected with fellow educators during the meet and greet, reconnecting from some I met from years prior and also made some new connections. This should help with making decisions with the DAT program revision.

The last thing of the day with Technical Papers Fast Forward which is a bit insane; over 200 paper summaries presented in less than two hours. It was great to get a preview of topics that were to be presented during the week, helping to narrow down the topics that best fit one’s interest area. My brain was already in overload at that point.

Oh side note, when we were at Whole Foods an associate suggested corn starch to get rid of the ants. I spread it all over the vehicle, including inside the engine compartment. We’ll check on the success or failure in a day or two.