MARCH 17, 2020


03.17.2020  |  0 Comments
View of the Gateway Arch late in the day.

The weather seemed to improve and I managed to hit things at just the right time. I was able to take a self-guided tour through the Missouri Capitol building in Jefferson City. The outside of the building is under construction, as was some of the interior, but I got to see a majority of it. I will be sure to go back to get a guided tour as there was so much to take in and I felt a little lost navigating it myself. One of the docents pointed out how the crescent paintings on the second floor “move” due to the 3-point perspective. They were cool and creepy at the same time. One or two examples will live in the gallery section for reference.

I then went down the way to watch a video about the history of the area at the Lohman Building, something that was suggested I do by the same docent I mentioned earlier. It was helpful information, although the movie could use some updating as it pales in comparison to the interactive museum that is housed in the same building. I opted not to interact, I think for obvious reasons, said thank you to the gentleman (I think it may have been John) for his time and got on the road to try to catch the Gateway Arch while it was still open.

I decided the time difference between the highway and the state roads wouldn’t be that much so I chose the latter. The route was relaxing and visually stimulating. It really didn’t add much time to my trip and I got to the arch with about an hour to spare. Parking was a breeze and by the time I took the outdoor pictures I was able to spend about 45 minutes in the museum. I still have to go back again, as I didn’t get the in depth look I would have liked. It is an excellent museum. I also lucked out on two points; there was no admission charge and they weren’t going to be open the following day. Sucky reason to have “good fortune.”

I got back on the road and headed the place I was going to call home for the night. Busy day today and I would imagine another busy one tomorrow. I am putting more miles behind me at this point as I would like to get to my parents sooner so we can get organized so I can get my mom back to CT in time for an appointment.