APRIL 29, 2020

Check-in 04

04.29.2020  |  0 Comments
Screengrab of Facebook pages of former DAT students.

I received some troubling news today. One of my former DAT student passed away late last week. Janice Bielawa was an incredible human being, talented artist, and someone who had a huge impact on NVCC as the Creative Director of our school's award winning newspaper. She will be greatly missed on so many levels.

Earlier this year in mid-March we lost another DAT alumni and I feel it important to mention him here. Josue Cruz was a remarkable young man who was talented in the field and a caring indvidual. He will not be forgotten. He would stop by the DAT lab occassionally throughout the years since graduating (when picking up one of his siblings), the first time seeing me after a few years introducing himself, like I could have forgotten him.

Just for any DAT student (or person who happens to read this). If you are in doubt if you matter, you do. Anyone who has been in my program, I remember you. If you are someone who takes advantage of advising with me, have been in a class or two that I taught, your existance had an impact on me and I know who you are. If it has been a while, I might need a reminder of which class or something you did (good or not so good) to spark the memory, but I guarantee I have not forgotten who you are.

Being true to my word, even during these somber times, here is the list I promised to produce so I could stay on track and accountable.

  • Phone Meeting with Audio Faculty
  • Read, Organized, and Responded to emails
  • Phone Meeting/Interview with former grad (Animation)