JUNE 20, 2020

Check-in 31

06.20.2020  |  0 Comments
Hawk as seen sitting on my front porch railing.

Well the wrench got thrown into the mix. Focusing on my sabbatical project was going very well, albeit drawn out further than expected with all the changes and distractions along the way. I chose the spring semester so that I would have the extra time during the summer to wrap up everything in a neat package without being distracted by other things school related. This week that option went out the window.

While I had been attentive to things during the semester that required my attention, our DAT EA served as gatekeeper, only having those things necessary make it to me. It was more than I really felt I should have dealt with, but this program and my students being important to me there really wasn't a choice. Up until this week, our student worker was able to point students in the right direction. All this help did take a lot off my mind, allowing me to focus on the program redesign.

Now though, I have to do double duty. I must finish the sabbatical project and I must tend to the needs of the DAT program. As the semester details unfold and somewhat solidify, I will be reaching out to all my advisees and also people interested in the program. This happening, dividing my focus, truly is upsetting to me. I will do what must be done, as I will always do what is in the best interest of the students.

Trying to put in words what having to do both things at this time is doing to me without sounding like I am whining is near impossible, so if the next parts come off as such, so be it. I had been trying to redesign the program for years while teaching and leading the DAT program as the coordinator. There are just too many things to do during the semester that I just couldn't give it the attention it deserved. There is so much to do every semester that I pretty much work year round, allowing myself to travel a week or so in the winter and a month or so in the summer. Funny thing is, while I am traveling I am still checking in.

Sabbatical meant I could put all my focus on the redesign. The research is done and things are falling into place, but now what I have the most problems with and what needs my utmost attention is paperwork. And it is precisely at this time that my attention needs to return to full-fledged coordinator duties. Until I can work out a balance, I just feel like a deer caught in headlights, not knowing which way to go. I was balancing summer home projects, socializing, and the redesign pretty well. I would say I earned a 95% if I were to grade myself. I may have to forgo the rest of my home projects and some socializing to make room for the unexpected early return to the fall semester. Perhaps we could say I am a bit bitter about this, or maybe just hit with being overwhelmed, a feeling I know many colleagues and people in general are feeling. I will get over it. I write this so that should my students find themselves bored enough to read this, they will realize I am human and struggle just as they do. We are all more alike then we ever see!

  • Read, Responded to, and Initiated quite a few emails
  • Set up meetings that will cover 10 of the courses to redesign
  • Inquired about technology solutions for the fall 2020 semester and beyond
  • Set-up (phone) advising appointments
  • Rearranged schedule to accommodate pressing program related items

On a more positive note, the photo on this blog was taken from my living room window onto the porch. We watched this hawk watch us (and the cats) and look for prey for a good 20 minutes. This is the first time we have seen it hanging out there. I was re-roofing my house many years ago when one landed about an arms length away from me. It spooked me and therefore I spooked it, so that was a very short-lived interaction.