MAY 05, 2020

Check-in 08

05.05.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab image of Setmore appointment schedule empty June calendar.

Today was a long day. I started up around 10 AM and I ended up calling it a day just shy of midnight. I did take a few breaks to eat and got outside for a short while to enjoy some sun. Mostly it was doing a little of this and that. I fell down another rabbit hole today when I went into the appointment scheduler and started putting the "Time Off" setting on so people wouldn't be able to schedule appointments when no one is on contract. I still have to figure out how people will be advised after next week, as there really is only myself and my EA who have a clear picture of how to advise (the pre-reqs are there for a reason, but they can be moved around in some circumstances . . . the lay person wouldn't know the exceptions).

Turns out, although it wasn't what I set out to do for the day, it will be a good resource for following up with students who have graduated as this might contain their current contact information. It jogged my memory of the many people I should follow up with as well. It definately wasn't a waste of time, just a lot more time doing something I hadn't expected.

  • Read, Organized, and Responded to emails
  • Despite not being something I should be doing on sabbatical, answered survey regarding fall classes
    • Formulated my answers
    • Shared with DAT adjuncts/staff
  • Took care of some time sensitive staffing changes
  • Set up a few more phone "interviews"
  • Organized appointment scheduler, removing duplicate "customers"