JUNE 27, 2020

Check-in 32

06.27.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab of the project  in Adobe Premiere.

I started the week on a high note, buckling down pretty early and calling it quits for the day quite late. I was busy on the computer beginning around 11 AM Monday, after taking some time to gather equipment and figure out the location to make a rough cut video. After doing the first three items on the bulleted list, I retired for the day at 8:30 PM. I did take a few short breaks to have a bite to eat and stretch, but I would say I put forth a full 8 hours of activity.

Tuesday was much like Monday, but I started earlier and ended later. Wednesday I spent less hours working on school things, but what I did get accomplished was substantial and necessary. Time sensitive advising requests (things that cannot wait until mid-August) are being addressed. This is determined by email, a time is settled on and then a special appointment is entered into dat.setmore by me.

Thursday was not as long hour-wise, but again work was accomplished. The web-page is complete, it just needs to be uploaded by our DAT web master when he can fit it in. This student is not taking classes at the moment, so he is donating his precious time to take care of it. I would do it if it wasn't as sophisticated a setup as we went through for this site. I am not familiar enough with php to have the confidence I won't mess something up. I have supplied the content and basic formatting so the next steps should not be too involved . . . unless I ask for something that hasn't already been built into the design.

So at the end of this week there are a lot of balls in the air. I need to reassess and reorganize as I am feeling a bit overwhelmed as usual. It is like I have two onions now that I am slowly peeling away layers (sabbatical work and program coordinator work),while trying not to cry! I look at lists and it seems like my priorities are ever shifting. Then I abandon the list and do what I feel I can focus on, while keeping it in some type of priority order. I have a feeling my peers are feeling this way a lot of the time too. As long as I am moving forward, I will continue to stay positive and feel accomplished. It is hard to do that, but it is what MUST be done.

  • Read, Responded to, and initiated emails
  • Shot and edited video (rough cut) for fall semester important info
  • Created content for web page that will be linked in blast email for DAT advisees
  • Set up meetings that will cover the remaining courses to redesign
  • Used rough edit to experiment with captioning and "quiz" function in Kaltura
  • Made script from the rough cut (not a traditional way to work, but the best way to get my thoughts out completely)
  • Called Dell, Lenovo, and HP regarding laptop buying options for students
  • Made "storyboard" from script
  • Began gathering b-roll for video
  • Crafted email to send out to all advisees who have registered for classes over the past year
  • Created survey that is included in email
  • Rough edited second video, meant to be sent to area high school guidance counselors