MONDAY, JULY 1, 2019


07.01.2019  |  1 Comment
Brandywine Falls in Ohio

Day 2 didn't disappoint but proved that no matter how much planning one does, things don't work out as smoothly as you'd think. The night was the perfect sleeping temperature of 50 degrees Fahrenheit. Getting adjusted to sleeping in a new “bed” will take a little bit, but it was a solid 5 hours sleep. The sounds of nature beckoned I get up and get moving. This helped as it is taking a lot to get find the groove of setting up the sleeping area (privacy and safety precautions) as well as taking care of the daily routines. I haven't gotten on a great eating schedule, but thanks to a good friend I have a few days-worth of healthy snacks to make sure I am not going hungry. I should hit my groove in a day or two.

We left the camp site nice and early (7:15ish), since our breakfast attempt was a flop. I have a low wattage rice cooker and a power invertor that should be able to handle the load; should being the key word. I was trying to make oatmeal and ended up blowing the fuse. No spares in the car at that time, so we sacrificed a low beam fuse so we could use the power outlet to charge our phones and the cooler.

Our first stop was Presque Isle State Park in Erie, PA. Due to unusually high ice melt from Canada, the Great Lakes are unusually high. This left a lot of flooding on the bike path. I had some fun in the water. We biked about 15 miles in total between 10:15 AM and 1:30 PM, taking our time to see the sites the park had to offer. I mean, we were ahead of schedule at this time, so why not? I then took an hour to post the blog from the previous day. That was not a challenge I was expecting. The technology I have moves slowly, I was tethered to my cell phone using data . . . so there is slow upload and download speeds there, and it just wasn't a comfortable working environment (hot and cramped). Well enough complaining, we finally headed on to our next destination around 2:30 PM.

We arrived at the Boston Store Visitor Center in Cuyahoga Valley National Park at 5:30 PM, just enough time to get in to get the America the Beautiful Annual Pass before they closed. We got turned around a bit due to some road closures, but ultimately found our way to beautiful Brandywine Falls (the photo attached to this post). We took in some nature and drove through the park checking out the sites before heading out for the night around 8 PM.

We made it to the planned gas stop with 10 minutes to spare before it closed. As I said, I did my research and this was an important aspect of the trip. The Sam's Club gas was at least 30 cents cheaper per gallon then anywhere around. On a road trip this size, it is an important thing to consider. We got back on the road and made it to our campsite (Walmart - Sandusky). We got the fuses and took care of whatever needed to be done, then it was time for bed.

1 Comment

12.09.2019   |   jas

Nice Waterfall

That looks very nice!