DAY 26

07.25.2019  |  0 Comments
Sunless Sunset on the Pacific Coast

DAY 26 we woke up pretty late, after 8 AM. It was a pretty good night for sleeping. We didn’t have anywhere to be by a particular time, so we just went on our way, checking out the sights. We happened upon Lugana Seca and decided to check it out. What was supposed to be a quick diversion turned into a 5 hour visit; with no complaints here.

Way too many pictures were taken, but I will try to include enough to highlight the track and the couple of racers we encountered and talked to. There is video too, but that won’t be included here. I took some time to catch up on getting the posts into the correct format but couldn’t upload since I was in roaming and couldn’t use data to tether.

Once we were on the road again, we headed to 17-mile Drive. The drive was packed with diverse sights, as you will see in the gallery. Ocean, animals, nature of all kinds, and golf! The visitor center had a great film playing on loop. It was a great day overall, even though we really spent too much time at our unexpected stop and on our scenic tour as well.

Daylight was fading fast and we were trying to find our “camping” spot before it was totally dark. We missed that goal. We checked out the destination and due to warning signs and a small 1 tenth of a mile attempt, we scrapped the spot and looked for something else. Darkness and fog don’t make for easy navigating, but we finally found a place we were comfortable to stop at. Morning will let us know how well we chose.