MAY 04, 2020

Check-in 07

05.04.2020  |  0 Comments
Screen grab image of Connecticut State University websites.

I took advantage of the beautiful weather this weekend and opted to do yardwork both days. I didn't do anything school related. In doing so, I opened up a can of worms with more yardwork and projects that need to be completed. I guess I will keep busy and get my exercise for a while.

Since my two week self-quarantine (by choice since I had been traveling so much) was up, it was time to restock the groceries and resume my place in the family as the go to shopper. I knew it would take a few hours, but a little over six hours later I was done. I got a few "visits" in with the family, which extended the time out. And visiting two drive through banks with the line of cars further out than I have ever seen, didn't help cut down my time out. Thankfully I was very productive in the morning and in three hours or so I was able to get a few things accomplished.

  • Read, Organized, and Responded to emails
  • Phone Meeting Dean of Academic Affairs
  • Compiled list of 96 courses of interest at SCSU (link provided by a registrar from there)
  • Began list of courses at WCSU (Arts/DIMA faculty chair provided)
  • Got frustrated with ESCU's search tool, tried emailing for a better way
  • Waiting on a info that CCSU's Design Dept chair will be sending me


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