MARCH 04, 2020

Joshua Tree

03.04.2020  |  0 Comments
Joshua tree with bolders in the background.

I got to Joshua Tree National Park nice and early so I could enjoy as many hikes as possible throughout the day. My first one was a nature trail that explained much of the plant life I was looking at. I had brought my camera and taken some great photos, not knowing that I hadn’t put the SD card back the night before. Don’t ask me how I didn’t notice the little indicator saying no SD card, but it eluded me for that first walk and taking the entry sign to the park as well. Maybe lesson learned!

I set out to do about 8 miles of hiking, but missed my mark by about a mile and a half; maybe just a mile. Still, I got out, got exercise, and got to experience some amazing views and nature. I also met a few people along the way. One such group on my first 3 mile hike was Leigh and her family. They kept me company on and off about half the hike. Before we parted ways at the top of the rocky trail, I didn’t have to take a selfie thanks to having the group there. I hope someone connects with me so they can get their photo I took; among others from the day.

A little “mountain climbing” further I ran into another group of people (from France, at least French speaking) and took their photo. If you’re following the blog, connect with me for your photo. The view was amazing. Sketchy getting up and down, but totally worth it!

There was so much to see at the park, a day was not even enough to touch the surface. I hope to get back at some point (during the winter) to truly explore the park. The weather was amazing, although cool enough I still managed to work up a sweat. There is so much to learn there and it is extremely peaceful.

I headed to my “camping” spot for the night about an hour before it got dark. Not soon enough, as I had to go a good deal of the way in the dark, missing the sights along the way. Also, the mountainous terrain in the dark lead to a very stressful drive. I arrived at the Pauma Casino and went in to make sure it was ok to stay. I also donated a little! Tomorrow is another day . . . oil change first thing!