DAY 34

08.02.2019  |  0 Comments
Ray dwarfed by giant tree in Sequoia/Kings Canyon National Parks

DAY 34 was a day chock full of driving and a few scenic walks. We hit two parks that day Sequoia National Park and Kings Canyon National Park. Hopefully the pictures in the gallery speak volumes. Sequoias are larger around the base and in volume. Redwoods are the tallest. Two very different but mighty trees; you would think if you saw one tree you would have seen them all.

We enjoyed the tour of the two parks, made it to Fresno for gas and supplies, and headed to our camping spot, a OHV Staging area outside our next day’s adventure location. It was about a mile off the road and was the perfect quiet spot to rest and also get some great night sky photos. Hopefully the rest is as good as anticipated.